Appreciate the past. Make the most of the present. Live for the future.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Makenna's New Car Seat

Brian and I have had one heck of a weekend trying to get Makenna moved from her infant car seat that sits backward to a regular car seat that faces forward. We had plans to use the ones that we used with Peyton. I had mine stored in the storage building and Brian's was in the trunk of his car. Brian got his installed but when he went to install mine, we couldn't find the straps for the 5 point harness system. Apparently our good intentions of cleaning out the storage building led to the straps getting thrown out by mistake. We jumped online and found a really cute, reasonably priced seat at Walmart. We took out Brian's seat and placed his straps into my seat and reinstalled it in Brian's car since mine was in better condition.

ANYWAY...we bought the one from Walmart and after a couple of hours of Brian losing his temper decided it wouldn't work due to the positioning of the holes that the car seat belt uses to hold the seat in place. He said, "you can take it back because I don't ever want to see it again!"

We jumped back online (thank God for the Internet!) and found a car seat similar to the one we had previously. Peyton and I ran over to Baby Depot after dinner and picked it up. I was very excited because it is super cute. It's chocolate and pink with some flowers for detail. It has extra padding that can be removed and since she's still so little, I'm glad that some of this will help fill in the gaps and will make longer trips more comfortable.

Brian ended up installing it right before church and had no problems other than getting the tags off. He cut his finger cutting one tag...but he looked awfully cute wearing his pink hello kitty band aid to church!

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