Appreciate the past. Make the most of the present. Live for the future.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

It's a good thing that Peyton emailed Santa to let him know that we wouldn't be at home for Christmas but that he could deliver our presents at Granna and Grandpa's house. We went over to Granna's house after we opened gifts and our plan was eat dinner and then spend the night.

This year, the whole family was together. Eric, Lisa, and Sid were all there. We feasted over low country boil and it was DE-LISH!

and Peyton even did the dishes...ha ha...

We had a great time just being together...that's what it's all about right? Later that evening, we put Makenna in her Christmas gown and let Peyton open his one Christmas gift which is traditionally pj's. This year he was less than enthusiastic about a pair of pajamas...typical five year old. In any case they looked super cute!

Peyton sat out a plate full of cookies for Santa and off to bed they went...and we never heard a word out of either of them until after 8:30 the next morning!

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