Appreciate the past. Make the most of the present. Live for the future.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

End of Year Program

Friday morning mom and I went to the sweetest performance put on by Peyton's class. It was their end of year program/graduation. It was called "What a Wonderful World" and they all got up and said what makes a wonderful world and they sang a lot of songs. I of course cried and laughed through out the entire program. What got me the most was when they sang "You are my Sunshine". I used to sing that to Peyton when he was a baby and as he was standing there with all of his little friends, it hit me at just how big he's really gotten. My sweet Peyton, 6 years old...where has the time gone? Anyway...after the program we were invited back to the classroom for a small reception and I got to take some pictures with the teachers. Thank you Mrs. Pitman, Mrs. Edwards, and Ms. Satterfield for a wonderful school year. Peyton has learned so much this school year and loves you all very much!

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