Appreciate the past. Make the most of the present. Live for the future.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Late last night, Papa Chuck came into our room and told us to go downstairs...we were under a tornado watch. (Brian's sister, Kristen, had heard the tornado siren and called us to see if we had heard it to.) We grabbed the kids, went downstairs and saw the weather report. It was scary! I've seen tornado warnings but to be under a watch and actually have to head to the bathtub with a mattress was a WHOLE other story! We put Peyton in the bathtub and Chuck got the cushions off of the sectional sofa to put over him. I held Makenna and tried to keep my composure and stay calm for Peyton's sake. When he wasn't looking, I cried and when he did look, I just reassured him that everything was going to be ok. I tried my best to not show the fear I was feeling and I just kept on praying and thanking God for our safety. Brian was incredible. He was so calm and so strong. We were sitting in the bathroom (Papa Chuck was outside watching everything...storm chaser at heart if you ask me!) and fortunately, the TV was up loud enough that we could hear the report. Thank the good Lord that the weather turned and the wind changed directions. What a relief and an answer to prayer! I told Brian sitting right there in that hall bathroom that I didn't ever want to move back out here! This will definitely be a vacation to remember!

Author's Note: I was told a few days later by Brian that the tornado was never reported to have been an actual tornado. It apparently never touch down. It was still a very dramatic situation and very scary and I don't care to ever go through it again!

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