Appreciate the past. Make the most of the present. Live for the future.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Zoo Day

We decided with the beautiful, sunny weather do get out and take the kids to the zoo. We went to Cici's first for pizza and then hit the zoo for an afternoon of enjoying the sunshine. It felt so wonderful to have short sleeves on! Apparently everyone else had the same idea because the zoo and playground was packed! We saw monkeys, goats, lions, giraffes, alligators, and flamingos. We even saw a baby orangutan. They were working on the petting zoo portion of the zoo so they had the goat stationed in a different area over near the African animals. We were enjoying the lions and noticing that they were glued to an area in the corner of the fence. Come to find out, they were overlooking the goat! Can you say "circle of life"? ha ha... They wanted lunch! After walking through the zoo we played on the playground and Makenna got to swing for the first time. She loved the wind blowing through her hair and of course my camera decided to go dead. So no pictures of that but here's what we've got for the day. I'm so glad that we bought a membership for this season. Hopefully, we'll get down to Columbia soon and spend time at that zoo.

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