Appreciate the past. Make the most of the present. Live for the future.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

Ahhhh....Prince William and Princess Kate..what a lovely couple huh?  A few of us from work came together at 5:15 am to watch the royal wedding.  We printed off programs and celebrated with a breakfast casserole, scones, fruit, ham biscuits, and lots of coffee!  It was so neat viewing the dress and hat choices and we had the most fun sporting our own hats!
The wedding was so beautiful and very romantic.  I loved the way Prince William looked at Katherine once she met up with him at the alter.  He told her that she looked beautiful and boy did she!  Understated elegance.... 
Meanwhile, at home, Makenna is setting in her daddy's lap watching the princess in her "big dress" get married and she looked over to my wedding portrait and made the comment that mommy was in her "princess dress too!".  That little girl is so sweet!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

Coloring Easter Eggs

Peyton, Makenna and I had a fabulous time coloring eggs....even if Makenna wanted to color ALL the eggs yellow (her favorite color)!  They were not too thrilled that after we were all done making them pretty, I tore into them to devil them for Easter lunch!  That was pretty mean huh?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bahamas Cruise

Brian and I decided for our 10th wedding anniversary (not really until June) we would take a cruise to the Bahamas.  It was a wonderful trip and will definitely do it again...soon I hope!  I've got to figure out a way to get more vacation time!  Here are some highlights....

Nassau, Bahamas

Aris:  waiter with the infectious smile! 

One of many towel friends waiting on our bed after dinner.

Water fun at the slide....

My handsome hubby on formal night.

Water play on The Blue Lagoon Island excursion.

The Carnival Fantasy

Fun Ship Freddy

Cruisin' or Snoozin'

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Granddaddy

In loving memory of my granddaddy,
Howard Jenkins.  12/15/1914-04/06/11.

Friday, April 1, 2011


I didn't have a big weight loss this week but I was very excited that the .8 pounds that I lost took me over the 40 pound mark to 40.2.  Whew who!  Now that's exciting!

Digital Scrapbooking

I ventured into the world of digital scrap booking tonight!  My good friend Lesley (she's over here)and I have been playing around with some ideas at work this week regarding programs, software, digital crafts etc.  Brian bought me Adobe Photoshop for Christmas and I'm just now getting around to experimenting with the joys (and many frustrations and even a few tears) of this wonderful tool.  I have so many pictures and I feel that I've cheated Makenna out of many delightful paper albums.  They say that you take fewer pictures of the 2nd child...not just tend to not do anything with the pictures you have stored on your computer...out of sight out of mind!  Anyway!  I sat down and created my very first digital page and it only took me about 3 hours!  ha ha... Actually, the creating of the page wasn't was actually quite was learning the mechanics of the program and all the file saving that was time consuming...for the novice aka me!

I really am happy with the results.  Hopefully with time, I'll be able to create a whole years worth of pictures in the time it took me to do this one page tonight...we'll see!  I have high hopes!

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