Appreciate the past. Make the most of the present. Live for the future.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kip's Birthday

Peyton and I went to Kip's 6th birthday today at Jump Zone. It was so good to see some of the old birthday crowd there and have the chance to catch up. Kip and Peyton went to the same preschool together but were separated when it came time for kindergarten. We've missed the kids and the parents that were separated so today was fun for Peyton and myself above and beyond the party itself. Kip received some really cool birthday items including a lot of Bakugan balls.

Thanks for the invite Kip! Happy Birthday!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Scary Situation

I'd like to chime in and add a few thoughts to the sister post over at Prissy Pot's Pics (see blog listing at right). Yesterday was quite emotional at work. We had an attempted robbery and a hostage situation at our corporate headquarters. My phone was ringing off the hook and emails were flying everywhere but during this entire time, we knew nothing more than the general public...simply what was being said on the news. Thank you friends and family members who were praying for us. Most of the information is being kept confidential for obvious reasons but THANK GOD that it ended ok. The guy gave himself up and let the hostages go unharmed -physically. Emotionally is a whole different story. We had a staff meeting this morning and our CEO had nothing but words of encouragement and praise for how the situation was handled. He said that we are to wrap our arms around each other and he then ended with prayer. Please continue to pray for emotional healing. This has effected all of us and I'm sure the road to healing for some will be a long haul.

Life it too short! Hug someone and tell them you love them!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Friday night we took Makenna to Grandpa's house so that they could have a little one on one time and that gave us the opportunity for a night out with Peyton. We took him to Burger King for dinner and then we went bowling. We had so much fun! Peyton was a little disappointed that he wasn't bowling strikes like he does on the Wii. I reminded him that the ball he was carrying was a lot heavier than the Wii remote! He did pick up a spare or two. Not bad for a soon to be six year old. Brian and I tied the first game with 122 and I won the second game with the same score! Talk about consistent! I'm still not sure who used the bumper guards more - Peyton or Brian and myself!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm Proud of my Wife!!

Tiff started school again last semester and even though its been tough sometimes she just keeps working hard. I think that she has done a great job and I am so proud that she has decided to invest in herself!! I know she gets frustrated but she hasn't quit. I just hope that she continues to remember that in time all the effort will be worth it when she accomplishes her goal.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stephanie's Baby

I went to the hospital on Saturday to visit a friend of mine and her 2 day old baby named, Abigail. She was born 9 pounds and 21 inches long. They were in a brand new beautiful hospital and I'm glad I went when I did becuase they were getting ready to leave! The family was doing very well and I'm bound and determine to have a third baby now. :)

Congratulations Matt and Stephanie!

Monday, February 16, 2009


I've got to do some bragging on my daddy. He is a craftsman for sure. There is not anything in this world that my daddy can't do. He has this incredible hobby of making things out of wood. He's made everything from bedroom furniture to toys for our kids. I even have a rolling pin and cutting board that he's made.

He and momma showed up on Sunday to surprise Makenna with a new toy...a cricket. Not your ordinary cricket but a xylophone cricket. He is so cute! You can walk him around and his back legs move with the motion. The cricket's antennas are the hammers. What will he think of next?

A One Year Old and a Five Year Old

One is trying to walk while the other is trying to read.

One is getting teeth while the other is loosing teeth.

One is learning to talk while the other talks non stop.

One is trying to master self feeding while the other eats enough for two.

There are a lot of differences between a one year old and a five year old and learning these differences have been priceless. How wonderful being a mommy is!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day

We had a great Valentine's Day. I made everyone chocolate chip muffins with fresh strawberries for breakfast. Then we exchanged valentine's. We bought Makenna her very first Barbie. Since she's been playing so well with Peyton's GI Joes we figured she was ready for a pretty Barbie. Peyton got a Bakugan and Brian and I exchanged various types of chocolates.

Valentine's night we went to our church for a dinner/dance. It was a fundraiser to support the youth's trip to the Dominican Republic. Olive Garden of Greenville donated dinner for more than 350 people! As is turns out, they donated $3,000 worth of food (lasagna, breadsticks, salad and tirimisu) all the while the restaurant made over $30,000 that day! Wow! My pastor said that he would call that a tithe. That's for sure!

We had a great time. Tickets were only $25.00 and we received FREE childcare! Who could turn that down? We got good food, a comedian for entertainment and then they opened up the dance floor. Yes, folks...we were dancin' in church!

Sunday morning Pastor mentioned that he loved us all but he could tell that some of us hadn't been brought up in church! ha ha....

Friday, February 13, 2009

Lunch with Peyton

I surprised Peyton by showing up at school yesterday for lunch. We had cheeseburgers, green beans, carrots, and grapes. Halfway through Peyton's cheeseburger I happened to notice that he had gotten mustard all over his pants. I brought it to his attention and his was reply was very nonchalant, "yeah momma, it happens". I chuckled under my breath...yes does. After we took our trays to empty our trash we sat back down and Peyton started explaining that they are learning the days of the week. He said, "momma, it's so boring." This is due to the fact that he learned the days of the week when he was 3 years old. I'm sure he's just not feeling challenged. Anyway, I told him that it is still very important for him to listen and learn so that he'll grow up to be smart. "I'm already smart momma." Yes, yes Peyton you are. :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Center for Poison Control 800-222-1222

While the kids were playing this morning, I told Brian that I was going to run upstairs to take a quick shower. I was running my water and Brian all of sudden busts into the bathroom holding Makenna demanding that I read what's on the back of the package he was handing me. It was a package of Cascade dishwasher capsules. Of course fear is racing throughout my mind. That's the last thing you want to happen to your child...ingesting something that could have been prevented...especially a cleaning product! He then explained that she had gotten into the cabinet underneath the sink (yes, we have "child proof locks")and had taken a bite of the capsule. He was on the computer at the time and heard her spit and then she threw up. We called the Center for Poison Control and was told to wipe out her mouth with a clean damp rag and give her lots of water. The ingredients in the Cascade may case oral irritation and we were to lay her down on her side or stomach when putting her down for a nap in case she was to vomit any more. Thankfully she vomited immediately after ingestion so I think that pretty much took care of it. She was fine from then on but MAN! Was that a scare!


Switch-a-roos is a semi-annual consignment sale that I have a lot of success at. Friday night I went to get a couple of summer items for Makenna...little did I know it would turn out to be her summer wardrobe! ha ha... I ran out of time due to them closing for the evening at 7pm. I ended the night with 23 articles, most of which were actual outfits. I spent $128 which averages $5.50 per item. Not bad eh? Most of the items I came home with were Baby Gap and Gymboree. I put back 3 smocked dresses but I've had no regrets. Makenna was quite excited as well. She sneaked into the bag and started pulling things out. Pardon her hair here...she had pig tails in and I took the bands out in preperation of bedtime to let her hair "rest". And what's up with tongue? She's still so cute though!

Random Happenings

  • Makenna has been shaking her head in agreement or when you tell her "thank you".
  • Makenna pulled Brian's phone off of the kitchen counter top and got hit with it.
  • Makenna pulled the humidifier off of our bedroom dresser and was hit in the head with it. It was running during all of this...thank goodness she was ok but everything was sure soaked.
  • Makenna took 3 steps unassisted today.

Future Blogger


I can't remember if I've shared the story about Makenna's first dum-dum or not but I finally have the picture to show you. Makenna came crawling through the kitchen not long ago with a sucker stick sticking out of her mouth. Of course in Kenna's style she was screaming as her daddy was taking it away. It still had the wrapper on it but she had the right idea. Brian went ahead and gave it to her with a bid I might add...she had strawberry stickiness flowing down her chin and neck. Yes little girl, you won!
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