We had a great Valentine's Day. I made everyone chocolate chip muffins with fresh strawberries for breakfast. Then we exchanged valentine's. We bought Makenna her very first Barbie. Since she's been playing so well with Peyton's GI Joes we figured she was ready for a pretty Barbie. Peyton got a Bakugan and Brian and I exchanged various types of chocolates.
Valentine's night we went to our church for a dinner/dance. It was a fundraiser to support the youth's trip to the Dominican Republic. Olive Garden of Greenville donated dinner for more than 350 people! As is turns out, they donated $3,000 worth of food (lasagna, breadsticks, salad and tirimisu) all the while the restaurant made over $30,000 that day! Wow! My pastor said that he would call that a tithe. That's for sure!
We had a great time. Tickets were only $25.00 and we received FREE childcare! Who could turn that down? We got good food, a comedian for entertainment and then they opened up the dance floor. Yes, folks...we were dancin' in church!
Sunday morning Pastor mentioned that he loved us all but he could tell that some of us hadn't been brought up in church! ha ha....