Mother's Day was really special for me this year. It's the first year that Peyton has really had a clue as to what's going on. He woke me up at 7:30am to give me breakfast in bed...honey nut cheerios! Never mind the mess of spilled milk on the stairs or the mess on the kitchen counter...he was so cute and I thought that it was so sweet that he would think to do that. I rolled over to see if Brian was maybe downstairs putting Peyton up to this but he was sawing logs....ha ha.... Peyton also made a cute card at school with his
hand print on it and he signed his own name. Brian gave me a gift certificate to a local spa and my mother
received one too from my brother so it looks like a girls day out is coming up pretty soon!
I was pretty full of emotion last night for some reason because it seemed like
every time I looked at
Makenna, I started to cry. I am so amazed at how much love one can feel toward another person. Yes, I love Brian and Peyton but when this little girl came around, something changed. You always wonder or even hear people talk about how your love is
multiplied, not divided with each child. I
truly believe that. I am a very blessed mommy...